Saturday, 7 May 2011

Girls on Penis Size

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It’s an age-old question that will probably never go away – does penis size matter? Opinions vary wildly depending on who you ask. But if it’s whether you can satisfy women that concerns you, then better ask them…
I’m sitting with three beautiful women in a quite cafĂ© in Glasgow, Scotland. I invited them here to talk about sex, and specifically the importance of penis size – purely for research purposes of course. Already they are talking away furiously, as I listen and try to keep up. As brilliant a situation as this is, I must admit to feeling slightly out of my depth.
Penis size is a topic that won’t go away. There’s no doubting the importance of the issue itself, and the size of a man’s dick is certainly important to its owner. But what about the people who really matter – the women on the receiving end? The trio of girls sat around the table aren’t shy about giving their opinions.

Small Disappointments

Sarah, a 27-year-old graphic designer, is perhaps the most vocal of the three. Originally from Manchester, she says she “loves sex” and has tried “just about everything she could think of”, although she is now settled in a long-term relationship.
"I've been with my fair share of blokes," she says, "and there's definitely an average size of about five or six inches. If it’s any smaller than that then yes, you are disappointed."
"It’s not just how it feels but how it looks. You see a small one and think, "oh well, never mind!"
Maxi, a 30-year-old bartender from Glasgow, has had similar experiences. "Seeing something big down there when you get a guy’s pants off definitely gears you up for a good night," she says.

'Big ones just feel right'

“I’ve had good sex with men with smaller dicks, but big ones just feel so right. It’s like you’re being filled up."
Struggling to keep up almost as much as I am is Chloe, a PA from Edinburgh. Chloe is 23 and is the least experienced of the three.
"I've been with six different guys and only one of them was a lot smaller than the others," she says. "But the worst sex I’ve had was with a lad who just drunkenly humped me until he came, and then went straight to sleep!"

Given the choice, girls go large

Sarah and Maxi agree and recount several of their own stories of selfish, unsatisfying lovers. But when I manage to steer them back to the topic of penis size, they all agree that given the choice they would go for larger over smaller.
"Of course women say that size doesn’t matter," pipes up Maxi. "And it’s true in a way, because there are so many other things that can make a man good in bed. But bigger dicks still feel better than smaller ones."
There are no arguments from Sarah or Chloe. I merely laugh and try not to not to feel too inadequate.SizeGenetics, Permenda Ltd 17th April 20011
