Friday, 17 February 2012

Vitamins for Penis Health

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The health of your genitals (reproductive organs) is an important part of your life. While you can take care of your nutritional needs to maximize your sexual desire and build enough energy for sexual activity, taking care of the body organs (such as penis) involved in these acts is vital as well. The health of your penis plays a role in your general health, and there are a variety of vitamins and herbs you can use to make sure it is in top working order. One of the most common and frequently occurring sexual problems directly related with the health of the penis in males is that of erectile dysfunction or impotency. A great way to treat erectile dysfunction is with vitamins. Many men can help to improve their erectile dysfunction with vitamins, while others can cure their erectile dysfunction with vitamins. Below are some of the major vitamins that should be used to help treat erectile dysfunction and improve penis health.

Vitamin E
For many reasons, vitamin E has been classified as the "sex vitamin.” Vitamin E has been proven to help fight against erectile dysfunction and adding more to your diet can make a drastic difference.  According to researchers, if a man's erectile dysfunction is related to cardiovascular disease, vitamin E may improve blood vessels of the penis as well as the heart. Several major studies have found that vitamin E supplements - 400 to 800 IU daily - lower the risk of heart attack and ischemic stroke (the most common type). It also helps maintain "endothelial function", that is, normal blood vessel flexibility, which is essential for normal erectile function.
 Vitamin E also helps increase blood flow in the smaller blood vessels in the body and can help increase healing.  In many men, scar tissue of the penis can contribute to erectile dysfunction, loss of overall penile length and a curvature of the penis.  The use of various minerals and vitamins, including E, can help promote penis health and ensure that your penis remains healthy and appealing.
There have been also some studies in which researchers have studied the effects of vitamins on men afflicted with Peyronie's. Vitamin E has been tested as a treatment in small studies, and researchers have reported that some patients did receive some relief.  Therefore one should take Vitamin E in supplemental form daily to achieve and maintain better sexual function and improve penile health.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
Similarly, vitamin C is also recommended to maintain normal sexual and reproductive functions in both sexes. In males in particular, this vitamin can reduce cholesterol in the blood and will also improve your blood circulation. For the same reason, deficiency of vitamin C often leads to weakening the functioning of sexual organs. When the level of vitamin C in the body restored, all the organs needed for reproduction, become more healthy and fertile men’s ability increases. Vitamin C actually plays a vital role in your body by growing and repairing tissues throughout your body, including your penis. You mainly need vitamin C to help make collagen, a protein that makes skin and blood vessels, both of which are plentiful in your sexual organs. According to the research done at the University of Maryland Medical Center, if you have sexual problems like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation or issues with sexual desire, vitamin C may help. The research recommends taking 250 to 500mg once or twice daily. Studies have also shown that a deficiency in vitamin C may cause you to have a low sperm count, which may contribute toward infertility.
Therefore, food, rich in vitamin C, will ensure the quality of the sperm and its normal amount. It will also ensure the health of reproductive organs and improve general health. Just make sure to get more vitamin C every day and enjoy your male power.

Vitamin B complex
B vitamins help to regulate the sex organs. The amount of Vitamin B in the body is correlated with the amount of sex hormones released. Vitamin B deficiencies can lead to lethargy and fatigue, which usually means more sleep and rest is needed, not sex. Each specific B vitamin offers your body something different in regard to your overall health as well as your penis health. The best sexual function of vitamin B complex is that it controls the “libido”. This fact should never be forgotten that no matter how good and improved your penis health already is, it will be useless if you do not posses sufficient sex drive i.e. libido.
Last but not least, when it comes to a man's sexual capacity and performance, the main focus is on the health of his penis. Therefore, it is completely natural for a man to be concerned about achieving and maintaining an optimal health of his penis, both for better size and enhanced erections. Taking some good, natural supplement that contains various herbs, minerals and vitamins can be your best answer for the same.

Using Allopathic Medicines for ED

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Most allopathic drugs create an erection by relaxing the smooth muscles and widening the blood vessels in the penis.   
While these medicines do produce penile erections for the time being, there are a number of drawbacks associated with their long term use such as:
Temporary effect: Most of these medicines such as Viagra & Levitra work to enhance erection only temporarily and for short term. In most cases, erection produced by these
High costs: Compared to natural or herbal medicines, most of these pharmaceutical drugs or allopathic medicines are highly expensive even if used for short term.
Low safety profile: One of the biggest disadvantages associated with the continued use of allopathic drugs is an increased risk of highly serious side effects such as heart failure, dependency, high blood pressure, palpitations, increased heart rate (pulse) and a variety of other consequences. Also, people with heart problem or angina cannot use these medicines because of the same risk.

How soon allopathic drugs produce erection?
This depends on a number of factors including: one's general health, current physical status, whether the proper dosage was properly taken and the presence of other stimulation. Erections generally appear in 30 minutes to 1 hour and on average last about 30 minutes to few hours.
Therefore, while using allopathic medicines for the treatment of ED may offer benefit of easy consistency of dosage and fast speed, they do have their own grave disadvantages, including an increase in side effects, high costs and only “temporary” solution to the problem.  In fact, in some cases, these side effects have proved fatal such as those seen in the cases of liver toxicity, heart attack and stroke.

Why natural or herbal supplements are considered more effective and safe?
In many cases, credible and quality herbal therapies or supplements can succeed where pharmaceutical drugs have failed. Despite frequent reports that they are ‘unproven’ and ‘untested’, the opposite is true. Natural medicines have a long history of usage and there is a wealth of empirical evidence to support their effectiveness and safety. In addition, active clinical research is carried out by many academic hospitals and universities to support the extensive traditional and empirical evidence behind natural medicines.

The ABCs of Sperm

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Sperm, the term comes from a root Greek word “sperma” meaning “seed”. Sperms or sperm cells (biologically known as spermatozoa) are the reproductive cells found in male semen that are essential for human reproduction (and all other mammals). Millions of sperm (spermatozoa) are released in each millimeter of semen ejaculated from the urethra of a male. Therefore, the miracle of a new life starts from one healthy active and fast sperm.

Where sperms are made?
Sperm are produced in healthy males after puberty, around the age of 11 to 13 years and are made in your testicles. Hence, your balls are important for fertility because this is where sperm and the male sex hormone testosterone are made. After sperm are made in the testicles, they travel with a few drops of fluid through the male reproductive system. As they move through the system, the sperm mix with more fluid made by the prostate and seminal vesicles, until the sperm are released (ejaculated) at the time of sexual climax (orgasm).

How do sperms look like?
Each sperm cell has simple three separate parts: the head, middle and tail. The head of the sperm contains half of the man's DNA. To enter the egg, the head of the sperm has a tip designed for penetration known as the acrosome. Energy used by the sperm to propel itself has its origin in the mitochondria wrapped around the center portion of the sperm. The mitochondria uses a simple sugar (fructose) ejaculated in the semen with the sperm to produce energy for the sperm's movement.

What is the most important function of sperm?
Sperms are needed to fertilize the egg in a woman's body in order for a human being to be created. Without sperm, fertilization of the female egg is impossible. For couples that have fertility issues, sperm banks provide clients sperm donations that come from individuals who have been medically screened. The sperm from sperm donors are tested for HIV, AIDS, hepatitis and other sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs).

How does a sperm fertilize an egg?
Sperm are designed to be strong swimmers as they must travel from the opening of the cervix at the tip of a woman's uterus to the fallopian tube to find the egg to fertilize. The acrosome at the tip of the head of the sperm helps it to pierce the female egg. The head of the sperm contains the DNA. Its body contains special structures called mitochondria that provide the "fuel" to move, and the tail helps propel the sperm towards the female egg.

How do sperms move?
The tail of the sperm uses energy produced through the mitochondria's metabolism of sugar to whip back and forth. Sperm only move a mere .12 inches (3 mm) per hour. Over 1,000 movements of the tail propel the sperm cell forward ½ an inch, but the sperm requires thousands of movements of its tail to allow it to reach the woman's egg inside her (1.25 cm).
How long do sperm live?
Sperm can live up to three to five days after ejaculation, if they are ejaculated into the vagina. There they can reside in the mucus around the cervix for three to five days while they are waiting for the egg to come along. They can make their way up through the uterus and into the fallopian tubes and fertilize the egg three to five days after sex. Outside of the vagina or any warm, moist place, they're not going to live as long. They'll only live for a few hours, maybe even a few minutes.
What is the difference between sperm and semen?
Many men often confuse the word “sperm” with that of “semen”. However, while interrelated, both terms are different in form and function.
Semen is the cloudy white body fluid that is emitted from the urethra of the penis during ejaculation and contains “sperms”. Most of the fluid in semen is made up of secretions from male reproductive organs. Usually, each milliliter of semen contains millions of spermatozoa (sperm). The purpose of semen is purely for reproduction, as a vehicle to carry the spermatozoa into the female reproductive tract.
Hence, sperm is the microscopic male reproductive cell while semen refers to the seminal fluid that contains millions of sperms. Also, sperm cells are microscopic and not visible to the normal eye but semen is a viscous liquid easily visible. Hence, semen is the “liquid” medium that contains and facilitates the passage & entry of “solid” sperms from the make penis and into the female vagina.
Normal values of sperms                                                                                                                      Sperm concentration:  20x106 spermatozoa/ml or more
Total sperm count:  40x106 spermatozoa or more
Motility (movement):  50% or more with forward progression or 25% or more with rapid progression within 60 min after collection
Morphology (form): Should be 30% or more with normal form and shape
Vitality (life): Should be 75% or more live
White blood cells: Should be less than 1x106 /ml

Sperm analysis
The examination of a sample of sperm is an important element in investigating infertility in men and can help examine the motility of sperm, and if an individual suspects he has abnormal sperm, having a sperm sample tested is one way to determine if he is correct.
If there are too many sperm in a sample, or white blood cells appear, which can mean there is an infection, further testing can be done. The semen is produced by masturbation after a period of 2-3 days’ abstinence. The sample can be produced in the centre or at home, but in the latter case, it must be brought to the lab within an hour.
There are many factors that can interfere with healthy sperm and interfere with fertility, such as recreational and prescription drug use. Use of tobacco and alcohol can also reduce motility and fertility. If your sperm is less than you want it to be, there are ways to increase it. In addition to quantity, take into consideration the quality as well, which can be impacted by your lifestyle.
