There is a method that can actually give you a bigger penis and you do not have to spend a fortune for it.
There is no point mentioning all those useless products and techniques that do not work – what you should be concerned about is the method that works. Have you heard of natural penile enlargement exercises before? What about herbal penis enhancement pills? A combination of these two methods was what I used to get a bigger manhood.
Natural penile enlargement exercises have been around for centuries now. Legend has it that they were invented by men of ancient Arabic tribes. These men used these exercises some months before they got married so that they could satisfy their wives in bed. When you engage in natural penile enlargement exercises you stretch and expand the corpora cavernosa (the tissues responsible for holding blood in your penis during an erection) using just your hands. Performing these special and dedicated exercises regularly would force your penile tissues to expand and elongate and this results in a stronger and bigger penis.
There are numerous natural penile enlargement exercises that you can perform, but the most popular one is the Jelq exercises. To perform the Jelq exercise, you grip the base of your semi erect penis and move it upwards till you reach the head. Repeat the same movement with your other hand. This is a very basic natural penis enlargement exercise. There are other better and more targeted exercises that you can perform to make your manhood bigger and stronger.
As for herbal penis enhancement pills, they would not give you permanent penile gains when you use them alone. They are more like supplements. What they do is to boost the penile gains that you would achieve when engaging in natural penile enlargement exercises. In other words they give you the maximum gains possible in the shortest time. This is one reason why the few quality herbal penis enhancement pills being sold in the market today package their herbal penis enhancement pills with a natural penis enlargement exercise program. They know that their herbal penis enhancement pills are useless without natural penis enlargement exercises.
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