decrease, as they get older. This is a normal bodily reaction to the age process, but that does not mean that men have to succumb to this. More and more males are discovering that they can still have the same pleasurable sex that they were able to enjoy when they were younger.
The Condition
The main condition that most men experience when they get older is erectile dysfunction. An
astounding 30 million men each year have to deal with erectile dysfunction, which is the in ability to have or keep an erection. It can be brought on by having diabetes, high blood pressure, damaged nerves and being overweight, as well as a variety of other psychological conditions.
The Symptoms
Some of the symptoms that are warning signs to a man that they may be suffering from erectile
dysfunction can include:
> not having any interest in sex,
> soft erections,
> short-lived erections,
> a reduction in intimacy, and
> having fewer sexual encounters.
It is important to note that one or two failed erections does not mean that you are experiencing
erectile dysfunction.
The Test
In order to regain control of your sex life, you would have to undergo certain tests to determine what the exact cause of the erectile dysfunction is. This can include having a blood test, an ultrasound or a
dye test to see how the penis reacts when stimulated. In addition, psychological factors may be at
fault, such as stress, anxiety, guilt and depression.
The Remedy
Doctors can prescribe special pills and medication, such as Viagra or Cialis, which help to increase the
nitric oxide levels in the blood. There are also surgeries that can be performed that implant devices to
help with an erection or repair broken blood vessels. However, one of the remedies that men often over look are natural herbs.
These natural products have been giving men the ability to have stronger and longer erections without have to put expensive and non-effective medications into their system. In addition, the male does not have to undergo surgery. One of the best products on the market is called MaleExtra, which
contains the best natural ingredients available today.
The ingredients that are contained in this pill have made it the leading male enhancement pill. Over 1500mg of natural ingredients are included in each serving. Pomegranate 70% Ellagic is considered the natural Viagra and over a third of each pill contains this ingredient. Other natural ingredients include L-
Arginine, Muira Pauma, Flaxseed, Tongkat Ali and more. They help to increase the sex drive, health of the penis, harder erections and increased blood flow.
You can take back control of your sex life by feeling younger in bed again. Regain your confidence in
the bedroom with MaleExtra and start enjoying sex!
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